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Oleia Topical Oil

OLEIA Topical Oil contains natural fast-acting anti-inflammatory nutrients that readily penetrate the skin, providing anti-inflammatory help to the blood vessels, joints and vital organs of the body.

OLEIA Topical Oil contains anti-inflammatory Omega-3, Omega-5 and Omega-9 fatty acids which are applied directly on the site of inflammation (like aching joint and swollen muscle), thereby delivering immediate and fast relief from inflammation and pain.

OLEIA Topical Oil is recommended for people with joint and muscle pain, asthma, skin disorders, psoriasis as well as in all “itis” (inflammatory) conditions such as arthritis, prostatitis, sinusitis, gastritis, bronchitis, tendonitis, bursitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, etc.

OLEIA Topical Oil is best recommended for sport injuries like Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow, Pulled/Torn Muscle, Neck Pain, Shoulder Impingement, Lower Back Strain, Runner’s Knee, Shin Splint, Ankle Sprain, Achilles Tendonitis, etc.

Applied topically on the injured part, OLEIA Oil deeply penetrates the skin and helps control swelling and pain. The fatty acid content of OLEIA Oil also helps the injured cells to rapidly heal and regenerate. Swelling is controlled, pain is relieved and flexibility is restored.

Simply apply a liberal amount of OLEIA Topical Oil around aching joints or sore muscles, and experience liberation from pain in 15 minutes to 15 days. For chronic inflammation and pain, apply oil 3 times a day. For chronic inflammation and pain, apply oil 3 times a day.

Oleia Softgels

Recommended as help for chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, prostate inflammation, goiter, lupus, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, cyst and tumor.
Take 3 softgels a day (1 softgel after meals). For severe cases of pain and inflammation, take 6 softgels a day (2 softgels after meals)

OLEIA Softgel addresses the root of pain-INFLAMMATION.
“The origin of all pain is inflammation and the inflammatory response.” (S. Omoigui, Division of Inflammation and Pain Research, L.A. Pain Clinic, Los Angeles, California, USA)

“Irrespective of the type of pain whether it is acute or chronic pain, peripheral or central pain, the underlying origin is inflammation and the inflammatory response.
Regardless of the characteristic of the pain, whether it is sharp, dull, aching, burning, stabbing, numbing or tingling, all pain arises from inflammation and the inflammatory response.”

OLEIA is a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient that controls inflammation and pain. When inflammation is addressed, the pain is normally gone.

For more information about OLEIA Topical Oil and OLEIA Softgels, please visit www.oleia.net

Oleia helps body pains 

Natral Herbal Oil

Helps Stop Pain. Natrally effective. Natrally Safe.
Natral Herbal Oil 20ml

Natral Sports contains a proprietary blend of peppermint, ginger oil & jojoba oil specially formulated to help relieve pain arising from sprain, strain and other sports injuries. 

Natral Classic is a mild blend, safe and effective for skin irritation, insect bites, headache, wrist pain, neck and shoulder pain. 


For Eye, Heart and Brain Health
MegaOmega Softgel 500mg/30 softgels

MEGAOMEGA Softgel has an excellent ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6, providing essential nutrition for healthy heart, brain and eyes. Ingredients: Cetylated Fatty Acid and Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil.

MegaOmega Softgel contains Astaxanthin from Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil.
It promotes heart health;
Protects the brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease;
Reduces inflammation and pain;
It is a powerful anti-oxidant- reduces oxidative express by 40%;
Reduces blood sugar level;
Boost immune function; helps the body resist infections;
Protects the kidneys from damage due to high blood sugar;
Astaxanthin, unlike beta-carotene and lycopene, can cross the blood-retinal barrier, making it best for eye health

Gymnema Silver

The Sugar Blocker
Gymnema Silver- 500mg/30 caps

Each veggie cap contains 500mg of Gymnema sylvestre extract.

Gymnema sylvestre is a vine-like plant that grows in the tropical forest of India and Asia. It is called the "destroyer of sugar" because in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing gymnema leaves suppressed the taste of sugar. You may try it yourself. Break open a capsule of Gymnema Silver and put some powder in your tongue. It tastes bitter. Then eat some sweet foods (candy, cake, sugar). You will be surprised that sweet foods will become almost tasteless!

How it blocks sugar absorption
Gymnema sylvestre contains gymnemic acid, which is made up of molecules which is similar in structure with glucose (sugar) molecules.

Those molecules fill the receptor locations on the taste buds for a period of one to two hours, thereby preventing the taste buds from being activated by any sugar molecule present in the food.

Interestingly,the structure of the taste buds, which detect sugar in the mouth, is similar to the structure of the tissue that absorbs sugar in the intestine.

Similarly, the glucose-like molecules in the gymnemic acid fill the receptor locations in the absorptive external layers of the intestine, thereby preventing the intestine from absorbing the sugar molecules.

Clinical studies

A 2012 study by researchers in the Department of Biology at Sri Venkateswara University produced astounding conclusions in support of gymnema’s role as a weight loss aid. "Over the course of 8 weeks, researchers administered a gymnema extract to obese rats; the obesity had been induced by feeding the rats a high fat diet. At the end of the study, it was noted that the rats had experienced a decrease in body weight and food consumption. To some surprise, it was also noted that “bad cholesterol” levels had fallen. Not only are the results clear evidence in support of gymnema’s use in traditional medicine, it also gives insight into the possibility that the herb could be used as a therapy for high cholesterol and triglyceride levels".

A South Korean study showed that "lab rats that were given a gymnema supplement experienced reduced sugar absorption during digestion. Structurally, gymnemic acids are very similar to glucose and behave in the intestine in a similar way. When gymnemic acids lock in to intestinal receptors, they effectively lock out glucose. This prevents sugar from being absorbed. This effect has a twofold benefit in that it helps balance blood sugar, and it promotes lean body mass by lessening the amount of sugar that gets stored as fat".

A Physiology & Behavior study tested "the effects of Gymnema on average weight persons who were fasting. They found that those who took gymnema one hour before being offered food ate less than the participants who had not consume gymnema".

Direction for Use: Take 1-2 capsules before eating sweet foods or carbs.


Gymnema Gold

Helps Keep Sugar Problems Away
Gymnema Gold 500mg/30 caps

Each veggie cap contains a proprietary blend of:

Gymnema sylvestre - 100mg
Eugenia Jambolana (Black plum) - 150mg
Momordica charantia (Bitter melon) - 150mg
Magnesium - 100mg 
Chromium picolinate - 120mcg

Gymnema sylvestre has been shown to positively affect insulin production. A study conducted at the Postgraduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Madras, India showed gymnema supplementation produces an increase in insulin levels, which is believed to be due to a regeneration of pancreatic cells.

A 2012 study in at King’s College in London demonstrated that gymnema stimulates insulin secretion in mice and humans. A 2009 study at Holy Cross College in Tamil Nadu, India published in the journal “Phytomedicine” found that gymnema leaf was effective at lowering blood sugar and levels of lipids or fats in the bloodstream of laboratory rats.

A paper entitled, “Antidiabetic effect of a leaf extract from Gymnema sylvestre in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients,” documented twenty-two patients with type-2 diabetes, all who were taking oral diabetic medication. Over a period of 18-20 months, the patients were also given 400 mg of gymnema each day. When the study concluded, sixteen of the patients reduced their traditional medications and five had ceased taking them.

Eugenia jambolana (duhat plum, jamum) has been used in numerous complementary and alternative medicine systems in India even before the discovery of insulin.
Eugenia jambolana is one of the widely used medicinal plants in the treatment of diabetes and several other diseases. The plant is rich in compounds containing anthocyanins, glucoside, ellagic acid, isoquercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, and hydrolysable tannins (1-0-galloyl castalagin and casuarinin). The seeds also contain alkaloid jambosine and glycoside jamboline, which slows down the diastatic conversion of starch into sugar. The whole plant of Eugenia jambolana is reported to show antioxidative defence due to numerous phytochemical constituents present in it. The bark of jamun is rich in several bioactive compounds including quercetin, betulinic acid, B- sitosterol, eugenin, ellagic and gallic acid, bergenin, tannins and flavonoids. Fruits contain glucose, fructose, raffinose, malic acid and anthocyanins; leaves are rich in acylated flavonol glycosides, quercetin, myricetin, and tannins, all of which have hypoglycemic ability.The blood glucose-lowering effect of Eugenia jambolana may be due to increased secretion of insulin from the pancreas or by inhibition of insulin degradation.
In a clinical study, addition of ethanolic extract of seeds and seed powder of Eugenia jambolana in alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed significant reduction in blood sugar level and enhancement in the histopathology of pancreatic islets.
Source: Traditional Indian Medicines Used for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus by Syed Ibrahim Rizvi and Neetu Mishra

Momordica charantia is a popular fruit used for the treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and related conditions amongst the indigenous population of Asia, South America, and East Africa. It is often used as a vegetable in diet. Bitter gourd contains bioactive substances with antidiabetic potential such as vicine, charantin, and triterpenoids along with some antioxidants. Several preclinical studies have documented the antidiabetic and hypoglycaemic effects of Momordica charantia through various hypothesised mechanisms.
In a study conducted on Taiwanese adults, a significant reduction in waist circumference, improvement in diabetes, and symptoms of metabolic syndrome has been observed.
Studies have shown that Momordica charantia can repair damaged β-cells thereby stimulating insulin levels and also improve sensitivity/signalling of insulin. Bitter gourd is also reported to inhibit absorption of glucose by inhibiting glucosidase and suppressing the activity of disaccharidases in the intestine. Ethanolic extract of Momordica charantia is reported to show antihyperglycemic effect in normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats which might be due to inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase and also stimulation of the activity of hepatic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Source: Traditional Indian Medicines Used for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus by Syed Ibrahim Rizvi and Neetu Mishra

Magnesium plays a significant role in diabetes management. Clinical studies showed that people with Type 2 diabetes have significantly lower magnesium levels than non-diabetic patients and that higher magnesium intake reduces the incidence of Type 2 diabetes.

Chromium (Picolinate) is a trace element that is essential for normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Clinical studies showed that chromium supplementation enhanced the metabolic action of insulin. Clinical studies showing improved blood sugar control for those with diabetes have used doses of chromium picolinate ranging from 200 - 1,000 mcg per day. However, the National Research Council estimates that intakes of 50 - 200 mcg per day are safe and effective.

Direction for Use: For people with high blood sugar, take 2 capsules, 2 times a day, before meals.